
Status Update Quarter One 2022

May 7, 2022 | Reading Time: 7 min


There goes four months. Time just keeps moving faster as you keep getting older I guess. These past few months seriously feel like a year to me for some reason. I guess there were a few things different about it compared to the other 21 years of my life. Work Last time I did a status update I had completed my training at work and had joined a product team.

Status Update: Year End 2021

December 31, 2021 | Reading Time: 7 min


I honestly started this year without any expectations. I am a pessimist1 but I decieded to be more optimistic and hoped for this year to be uneventfull. In some ways I was starting to get comfortable with the mediocrity that was starting to creep into my life. But this year was far from uneventful. Leaving college I really underestimated the experience of getting out of college. College education for me was sort of an underwhelming experience.

MX Linux for Gaming on GNU/Linux

November 24, 2021 | Reading Time: 4 min


Alright I'm a little late on this one. But here we go. October was fun. I checked out GNU/Linux Gaming over the past two month, it seemed like it was the right time to do so. GNU/Linux as a gaming platform has been steadily maturing over the past few years. Support for more and more games are every month and we're at a point now where we have performance that's very much comparable if not as good the performance one would get on windows.

Status Update: September 2021

September 30, 2021 | Reading Time: 4 min


This month went by too fast. I was mostly busy with work stuff. I really didn't have much time for anything else. I am still figuring out Rails. I have some of React covered but if you ask me I'd say I have a lot more to learn. So I am spending a good amount of time there. I also did a bunch of packages this month. After all this, I did manage to sneak in some quality hacker time which is the highlight of this month.

Status Update August 2021

August 30, 2021 | Reading Time: 5 min


Status update August 2021. Let's Go! Ruby: A simple language made with humans in mind. People who know me know that I like programming languages and operating systems. This month I really pulled up my sleeves and got into Ruby. I learned the syntax while contributing to ruby packages in Debian and learned more advanced stuff this month for work. I played out with a couple of simple algorithms at the beginning and then started building simple stuff with it.

Status Update July 2021

July 29, 2021 | Reading Time: 3 min


This month was fun. I officially joined my new company and currently going through the technical on-boarding process. So far so good. The Macbook Pro is still not something I'd use as my primary machine but it is what it is. I have no choice but to use it at work. My laptop's screen was damaged for about a year now and I finally repaired it last week. During that time I used my Macbook Pro exclusively and it wasn't bad.

Status Update: June 2021

June 29, 2021 | Reading Time: 4 min


I've decieded to do status updates. June has been a fun month for me so far. A large chunk of my time this month has been behind the FOSS club at our college. I and a few other friends of mine were the ones who kept it going and around 2020 everyone just had a lot to deal with both personally and with regards to everything that was happening. I had started freelancing and then went on to work full time 1.